Welcome to Merlin's Education Toolbox!
2020 was a year we will never forget!
As the world went into lockdown in March, Education Toolbox was born as a tool to support teachers and parents through a period of remote learning.
Our Merlin attractions are the source and inspiration for some great educational content, so with LIVE streams, educational worksheets, inspirational videos, craft activities and more at our fingertips we pulled everything together to create a one-stop shop for home school activities.
The success of this project has meant that we have continued to build on this resource to help teachers access lesson plan content and to add value to the onsite school excursions we offer. All resources on this site are free to download and we’d love to hear your feedback so we can keep building and improving – drop our education team a line at merlinteachersclub@merlinentertainments.com.au
Learning Activities based on a range of curriculum topics!

Habitat Resources
Here you'll find a large range of resources that covers all types of animal habitats!
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Animal Adaptation & External Features Resources
Here you'll find some interesting resources on everything to do with creature features and animal adaptations!
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Life Cycles & Food Web Resources
This is a great section of resources to discover how animals are born, grow,breed and who eats who in the animal world!
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Conservation Resources
Discover resources that will help to educate your students to protect our planet!
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Animal Fact Resources
These animal fact sheets are a great way to introduce different animal species to your class!
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Literacy Resources
A range of reading and writing activities that are great for the classroom!
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HSIE Resources
A range of Georaphy and History based classroom resources to spark some fun!
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Health & Wellbeing Resources
Find resources to hlep teach students about health and wellbeing here!
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LEGO Classroom Resources
LEGO will make any lesson fun! Find a range of resources here for you to use!
Find out moreInspirational Videos for the Classroom!

Turtle Rescue
Watch this video to learn about how the team at SEA LIFE rescued this amazing sea turtle!
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Seahorse Breeding Project
Watch this video to learn why this project is so important for the survial of this species!
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Relocating a Grey Nurse Shark
Ever wonder how we move a shark? Watch this video to find out!
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Little Baby Blue Penguin Chicks
Watch this video to learn about these adorable baby penguin chicks!
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Ani the Miracle Ray
Watch this video to discover this amazing breeding story of how Ani was born without a dad!
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Seahorse hotels
Watch this video to learn about this ecosystem and how SEA LIFE is protecting this habitat!
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Fun activities to keep your students busy ALL day long!

Craft Activities
Here you'll find a range of craft activities that will keep your students engaged and entertained while having lots of FUN!
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Colouring-in Pages
Check out our range of colouring worksheets on a range of topics from animals to buildings!
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Quizes & Puzzles
Here you'll find a large range of resources from word searches, trivia quiz and more on a range of topics!
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