Learning Activities based on a range of curriculum topics!

Habitat Resources
Here you'll find a large range of resources that covers all types of animal habitats!
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Animal Adaptation & External Features Resources
Here you'll find some interesting resources on everything to do with creature features and animal adaptations!
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Life Cycles & Food Web Resources
This is a great section of resources to discover how animals are born, grow,breed and who eats who in the animal world!
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Conservation Resources
Discover resources that will help to educate your students to protect our planet!
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Animal Fact Resources
These animal fact sheets are a great way to introduce different animal species to your class!
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Literacy Resources
A range of reading and writing activities that are great for the classroom!
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HSIE Resources
A range of Georaphy and History based classroom resources to spark some fun!
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Health & Wellbeing Resources
Find resources to hlep teach students about health and wellbeing here!
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LEGO Classroom Resources
LEGO will make any lesson fun! Find a range of resources here for you to use!
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